Static Shock Wiki

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Static Shock Wiki
Richie: The point is, with a little work, this place could be the nerve center of our entire superhero operation.
Virgil: And what will we call it? The Abandoned Gas Station of Solitude?

Richie and Virgil [1]
Abandoned Gas Station of Solitude
Location Dakota City
Base of Static
She-Bang (formerly)
First Appearance "They're Playing My Son"
Final Appearance "Power Outage"

The Abandoned Gas Station of Solitude is the secret headquarters of Static and Gear. It is located in the geographical center of Dakota City.

History & Synopsis[]



Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

Episode Appearances[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

  • "Gear"
  • "A League of Their Own"
  • "The Parent Trap"

Season 4[]


Abandoned Gas Station of Solitude/Gallery


  • The Abandoned Gas Station of Solitude originally appeared in Static's comic title. It was a pun on Superman's Fortress of Solitude since, in Milestone Comics, Superman was a fictional character.
    • Static Shock was originally not a part of the DC Animated Universe until the second season premiere "The Big Leagues". Originally, Static and Richie remarked that "Even Clark Kent has a day job". That line was removed in reruns, but the name "Abandoned Gas Station of Solitude" remained.