This is unofficial and written by ear. Feel free to fix any dialogue that is incorrect.
Frieda: (to Virgil about her prospective dates for the Homecoming dance) Isn’t it wild? I’m juggling three hotties!
Virgil: Y’know, Frieda, “hot” isn’t everything. In some circles, wit and, uh... off-beat charm still count for a lot. In fact, I was wonderin’ if you would do me the honor—
Francis: (interrupts) Hey Frieda. Lookin’ good. (He walks up to Frieda, pushes Virgil aside, and smells Frieda’s hair) Smell good, too. (Frieda begins backing away while he walks over to her, initially looking fearful before she stops up against the lockers, giving Francis an angry look; Virgil then taps Francis’ shoulder)
Virgil: F-Stop, you need to brush up on Body Language 101. Hers says, “Not in this lifetime.”
Virgil: (while looking at the inside of the house Wade and his gang are in) This place should be on that show, “This Old Warehouse”.
Wade: (chuckles) I like you, Virgil. You’re funny, and you’re smart too.