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Static Shock Wiki

Episode 15
Power Play
Air Date February 2, 2002
Season 2
No. in Season 2
Production No 22
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Directed by Joe Sichta
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Episode 15 - Power Play Gallery

Power Play is the fifteenth episode of Static Shock. It premiered on February 2, 2002. It depicts the transformation of Richie into the superhero "Push".


Major Events[]


Richie is caught pretending to be a superhero by Static. Richie gets mad when he is told he can never be one and runs off. In a rundown part of town, Richie bumps into an old man. Helping him up, Richie gets shocked. Behind him, two boys laugh. Then, all three disappear. Later, a runaway truck almost hits a dog, but is stopped by Richie, who now has superpowers. Virgil and Richie test out these powers in the scrap yard. Richie almost gets hurt and runs away to find the old man. The man's name is Ragtag and the boys' names are Run and Jump. All three are metahumans. Richie has to go back to Ragtag to get more power. He gives himself the name "Push" and becomes a superhero, leaving Static in the shadows. He realizes that to keep getting power from Ragtag, he'll have to start stealing for him. Richie refuses to do it, and is attacked by Jump and Run. Static saves him, and Richie goes back to being normal, stating that he's okay with being average again.

Continuity from previous episode(s)[]

  • Ragtag's origin is revealed in "Attack of the Living Brain Puppets".
  • Richie's full name, Richard Osgood Foley, is revealed.

Character Debuts[]


Recurring Characters[]

Minor Characters[]

Superpowers & Special Moves[]


Notable Quotes[]


  • Len Uhley has stated that this episode is a subtle anti-drug message.
  • Virgil mentions his hero is Green Lantern, at which point Phil LaMarr uses his John Stewartvoice.
  • The old man tells Richie that he can call him Ragtag. Interestingly, neither Richie nor Jump and Run ever refer to him by that name (or any other) in the entire episode.




Voice Cast[]

  • Phil Lamar as Virgil Hawkins / Static
  • Jason Marsden as Richie Foley


 Season Two

"The Big Leagues" • "Power Play" • "Brother-Sister Act" • "Static Shaq" • "Frozen Out" • "Sunspots" • "Pop's Girlfriend" • "Bad Stretch" • "Attack of the Living Brain Puppets" • "Duped" • "Jimmy"

 Season One

1.Shock to the System2.Aftershock3.The Breed4.Grounded5.They're Playing My Song6.The New Kid7.Child's Play8.Sons of the Fathers9.Winds of Change10.Bent Out of Shape11.Junior12.Replay13.Tantrum

 Season Two

1.The Big Leagues2.Power Play3.Brother-Sister Act4.Static Shaq5.Frozen Out6.Sunspots7.Pop's Girlfriend8.Bad Stretch9.Attack of the Living Brain Puppets10.Duped11.Jimmy

 Season Three

1.Hard As Nails2.Gear3.Static in Africa4.She-Bang5.The Usual Suspect6.A League of Their Own (Part One)7.A League of Their Own (Part Two)8.Showtime9.Consequences10.Romeo in the Mix11.Trouble Squared12.Toys in the Hood13.The Parent Trap14.Flashback15.Blast From the Past

 Season Four

Episode 40Episode 41Episode 42Episode 43Episode 44Episode 45Episode 46Episode 47Episode 48Episode 49Episode 50Episode 51Episode 52
