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Episode 24 - Jimmy
Air Date May 4, 2002
Season 2
No. in Season 11
Production No 25
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Directed by Joe Sichta
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Episode 24 - Jimmy Gallery

Jimmy is the eleventh and final episode in Season 2 of Static Shock. It aired on Kids' WB on Saturday, May 4th, 2002.

Major Events[]


Virgil is talking to Dr. Franklin, a psychiatrist, telling her everything that happened up until a week ago. He had met and befriended a shrewd, timid boy named Jimmy Osgood, who preferred to type up journals and surf the Internet on his laptop rather than engage in leisure activities with other kids. However, just as soon as Jimmy starts making friends with him and others, like Richie and Frieda, he also starts being tirelessly tormented by Nick Connor and his best friends, Kevin and Ray.

Jimmy grew distressed over time. The final straw came in the preparations for a Halloween party at the Community Center. Jimmy had given invaluable help with special effects, but Nick, Ray, and Kevin pulled a rather violent prank on him by scaring him satanically and stuffing him into his locker, leaving the kid shattered enough to not show up for the next week. Virgil and his father, worried, paid a visit to Jimmy's home, where they found that the boy was gone. Virgil finds his “Battle Journal” and shows the two men. Mr. Osgood dismisses it until Robert tells him to take it seriously. Virgil tells the pair Jimmy knows where he can get a gun. Mr. Osgood runs to his room and discovers his gun is gone; everyone realizes that Jimmy took it.

Jimmy shows up at the Community Center and, bursting into tears of anger, points the gun at Nick, complaining that he had had it with all the bullying he was subjected to, causing Nick to realize he had pushed Jimmy too far; Nick then apologizes, looking remorseful, but Jimmy doesn’t believe him. Fortunately, Richie was able to talk him out of shooting Nick and Jimmy lowers the gun. Just then, Ray and Kevin charged at him, causing Jimmy to inadvertently pull the trigger, the stray bullet hitting Richie in the leg. Ashamed and aghast by the near-fatal occurrence, Jimmy curled up in a corner, sobbing.

In the end, Jimmy undergoes psychological treatment and is sent to a juvenile detention center; Virgil and Frieda feel he doesn’t belong there. Nick and his friends are suspended from school and forced to do community service as a well-deserved punishment for what they did to Jimmy.

Later, as Virgil and Richie (with his leg in a plaster cast) try to shed some light over everything, they see another helpless student being bullied in the school corridors. Virgil promptly offers him a hand in hopes that no other youngsters end up resorting to gun use like Jimmy did, and the student thanks him.

Character Debuts[]

One-Shot Characters[]




Notable Quotes[]

Virgil: (voiceover) That’s when Nick Connor came in. Last year he was voted Best Personality. Should’ve demanded a recount.

Nick: (backs away a little in shock when Jimmy pulls out his dad’s gun and points it at him) What’s that?
Jimmy: (angrily, with tears in his eyes) A gun.
Nick: OK, put it down! That’s not funny!
Jimmy: Lots of things aren’t funny! Breaking my computer wasn’t funny! Shoving me in a locker wasn’t funny!
Nick: (realizes he’d pushed Jimmy too far) Jimmy, you’re right! I’m sorry, man!
Jimmy: No, you’re not!
Frieda: Jimmy, don’t! He’s not worth it!
Richie: She’s right, man. You’re all upset about this now, but next week? It won’t even matter. Don’t mess up your whole life over this.

Virgil: (to Frieda, after he leaves Dr. Franklin’s office) Hi, Frieda. You next?
Frieda: (nods) Uh-huh. Everyone who was involved is getting counseling.
Virgil: The doctor told me that Jimmy’s getting it, too. I don’t think he belongs in juvie, though. (The principal’s office door opens; they turn to watch as Nick and Mrs. Connor walk out, followed by Mr. Connor and Principal Aguilar)
Principal Aguilar: We’ll be in touch, Mr. Connor. (Mr. Connor agrees with a nod, and they shake hands; Nick remorsefully shakes his head while his mother opens the door for him, and Mr. Connor appears in front of him with a stern expression on his face)
Virgil: (turns back to Frieda) What about him?
Frieda: Suspension. He also has to do some community service, same as his buddies.
Virgil: (watches with Frieda as Nick and his parents leave) He’s getting off easy. But at least he’ll never win any more popularity contests.


  • Richard Steve Horvitz of Power Rangers, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, and Invader Zim fame guest stars as Jimmy Osgood in this episode.
  • This episode is technically considered a Halloween episode. Though the holiday itself is not the main focus.



  • The school holds a Halloween festival on a school night instead rather the night before the weekend.


Voice Cast[]

  • Phil Lamar as Virgil Hawkins / Static
  • Jason Marsden as Richie Foley
  • Richard Steven Horvitz as Jimmy Osgood