This is unofficial and written by ear. Feel free to fix any dialogue that is incorrect.
Police Officer: stand back, please make way!
Robert Hawkins: (while Richie is panting) hang in there Richie, the doctor is going to take good care of you.
Richie Foley: I never fought it would hurt this much.
Virgil Hawkins: wait, wait for me!
Robert Hawkins: Virgil!
Virgil Hawkins: he's my best friend I gotta come with him!
Robert Hawkins: go home son I'll call from the hospital
Virgil Hawkins: but-
Robert Hawkins: home
Medic: we gotta roll!
Dr. Franklin: Virgil, You still with me?
Virgil Hawkins: yeah, I just can't stop thinking about... what happened
Dr. Franklin: Why don't we just sit? We can talk about it.
Virgil Hawkins: I've never talked to a psychologist before, feels kinda weird
Dr. Franklin: I understand, lets give it a try, I promise I won't bite
(Virgil sits down)
Dr. Franklin: I'd like to help you sort through some of your feelings, Virgil, You've had a traumatic experience
Virgil Hawkins: That's what my father said, he's a social worker, he also said "there's no way I could've stopped it from happening" not so sure about that
Dr. Franklin: How well did you know Jimmy?
Virgil Hawkins: not too well, nobody did and that was the problem, the first time I even talked to him was in study hall, I was late for school that day because I... bumped into someone I knew
Carmen Dillo: heads up hotshot! Hey sparky, I've been working out!
Static: I can tell, the muscle between your ears is bigger than ever
Carmen Dillo: okay, okay, time out, ugh, I'm seeing spots
Static: When I'm done you'll be seeing more than that, turn around and get your claws up in the air!
Carmen Dillo: sheesh, all this yelling is putting back inside my shell!
(curls up into a ball and chases Static than Static uses a part of a balcony to fling Carmen)
Carmen Dillo: Ahhhhh! Okay that's it no more Mr. Nice Guy
Static: however you want to play it
Carmen Dillo: (Static using the same balcony to tie up Carmen) Ahhhhh!
Static: now if you excuse me, I'm late for school
Carmen Dillo: I hope you get detention
Mrs. Coleman: Mr. Hawkins
Virgil Hawkins: present
Mrs. Coleman: your four minutes late, you can take a seat here or in The Principal's office?
Virgil Hawkins: Uhh, here is good Mrs. Coleman
Richie Foley: very smooth, Febin
(Virgil leans over to where Jimmy is sitting)
Virgil Hawkins: Hey!, just wondering what you are working on?
Jimmy Osgood: stuff
Virgil Hawkins: okay
Richie Foley: Jimmy Osgood, student of mystery
Virgil Hawkins: (narrating) that's when Nick Connor came in, last year he was voted "best personality", should've demanded a recount
(Nick, Kevin, and Ray laugh as they keep messing with Jimmy's computer)
Jimmy Osgood: Stop it!
Nick Connor: Stop it!
Jimmy Osgood: I mean it!
Nick Connor: I mean it!
Jimmy Osgood: don't!
Virgil Hawkins: Not cool Nick!
Nick Connor: give me a break, Hawkins
Virgil Hawkins: (narrating) and that's how it went all period, he just kept tormenting Jimmy, anyway he could, it was like a sick game, till' the jerk finally won, all the time I kept wondering "when is "Eagle-Eye Coleman" when you need her?" course' I could've told her what was going on, I wish I had, it's just hard to tell on people, you know? especially when the guy won't stand up for himself.
(school bell rings)
Richie Foley: so what up tonight, maybe Static action?
Virgil Hawkins: I've gut two chapters of advanced algebra that's enough thrills for one day-
Jimmy Osgood: hey!
Virgil Hawkins: (annoyed) not again
Jimmy Osgood: Give it back! Come on stop it!
Nick Connor: wedgie!
Jimmy Osgood: owwwww!
Nick Connor: A mouse ee! (laughs alongside Kevin and Ray then throws the mouse on the ground) dweeb
Virgil Hawkins: Jimmy, you okay?
(Jimmy shakes his head)
Jimmy Osgood: I got it
Richie Foley: Ah man, they cracked it, sorry
Virgil Hawkins: you gotta report this Jimmy, take it to the principal
Jimmy Osgood: mind your own business!
Virgil Hawkins: (narrating) but I couldn't I had to do something, so the next day we went over to his house
Jimmy Osgood: what's this supposed to be?
Virgil Hawkins: It's a mouse "Mr. Computer Expert", my sister's actually, that layer of dust, not in use
Jimmy Osgood: I can't take this
Virgil Hawkins: Sure you can, she doesn't want it
Richie Foley: so betcha you got some cool computer stuff huh?
Jimmy Osgood: yeah I guess
Mrs. Osgood: Jimmy, I'm gonna- oh visitors, you should've told me you were having friends over
Jimmy Osgood: uh... I didn't know they were coming mom
Mrs. Osgood: well I'm glad your here anyway, help yourselves to a snack I'll be back (whispering) try not to chase them away okay?
Jimmy Osgood: c'mon, my bedroom is this way.
Richie Foley: cool room, did you make all of this?
Jimmy Osgood: most of it, see this it's a prop from "Star Force" I got it at an online auction
Richie Foley: woah!, I've only seen that movie like a bazillion times, check it vee
Virgil Hawkins: (looking at Jimmy's lava lamp) Uh huh
Jimmy Osgood: I got it on DVD, we can watch it or I can show you something cooler I can show you a real gun
Virgil Hawkins: what?
Jimmy Osgood: My Dad bought it for protection, wanna see?
Virgil Hawkins: No I hate guns, my mom was killed by one, it was an accident, but, listen I gotta go! See you tomorrow at school, okay?, Come on Rich.
Richie Foley: Bad idea, man
Virgil Hawkins: (narrating) What can I tell ya I freaked, the last thing I wanted to see was his dad's stupid gun, course eventually I would see it and I when I did it wouldn't be protecting anybody
(fades into present day with Virgil in Dr. Franklin's office)
Virgil Hawkins: I almost sounded like a major chicken
Dr. Franklin: no Virgil, you did the right thing leaving Jimmy's house everyday more than 10 young people die from being shot by a gun, including those shot by a family's handgun, you were smart
Virgil Hawkins: I didn't feel so smart, anyway Jimmy apologized so things were cool again, after a while he started to hang out with us at my pop's recreation center (Virgil and Richie are trying to throw the basketball into the hoop, but they miss) though he had an odd definition of "recreation"
Richie Foley: C'mon Jim, shoot some hoops
Jimmy Osgood: I'm not that good
Virgil Hawkins: that never stopped Richie
Richie Foley: Hey!
Virgil Hawkins: here
Jimmy Osgood: Okay
(Jimmy tries to throw the basketball, but he misses and the ball rolls to Nick)
Nick Connor: Well, well Osgood the athlete
Richie Foley: Nick, give it a rest
Nick Connor: I just want to show Osgood how I can stuff a basketball
Frieda Goren: guys, guys, I got great news! tell them Mr. Hawkins! Mr. Hawkins says we can use the community center for this year's Dakota Fright Fest!
Robert Hawkins: yeah
Virgil Hawkins: that's great Frieda!
Frieda Goren: Of course we need alot of volunteers to set it all up, Virgil, you and Richie are in!
Richie Foley: lucky us!
Frieda Goren: what about you, uh, Jimmy, right?, wanna help?
Jimmy Osgood: okay
Frieda Goren: aw thanks your the best! Come on guys we need all the pair of hands we can get!
Nick Connor: nah, you already got Osgood, that's a Fright Fest right there (Nick, Kevin and Ray laugh) Mr. Coordination
Virgil Hawkins: (narrating) 'course not many people can resist the power of "Hurricane Frieda", by the time decorating started, it seemed like half the school was helping turn the whole place into a great big maze, kinda place that a creeper would call home (Virgil uses his powers to hang bat decorations up) 'course I added my own personal touch, but Jimmy really got into it, he had a nacht for creating spooky stuff, he didn't ask for any help he just did it, it was great but it was like he operated in his own world, I didn't think he talked to anyone that whole week, except for me and Richie, and Frieda of course he liked Freida alot I mean major like, anyways after a week of neglecting our homework we were finally finished, well almost...
Richie Foley: look out! Flying box carrier coming at you!
Virgil Hawkins: whats that?
Richie Foley: the masks, Frieda wants everyone to wear one at the opening tomorrow, know where she is?
Virgil Hawkins: in the maze
Jimmy Osgood: I'll get her, I wanna show her what I did with the mannequins
Virgil Hawkins: don't get lost
Jimmy Osgood: huh?
Virgil Hawkins: the maze lost (Jimmy nods) never mind
Richie Foley: cool, this looks scary "Mr. Hawkins, your four minutes late and you there, find your seat, one week's detention, care to try for two? and you boys your, your..." ugh
Virgil Hawkins: what are you boys doing here?
Kevin: were supposed to meet Nick
Ray: Frieda says we can be monsters
Nick Connor: can't believe you want to hang with them, those losers and Osgood's the king of them all
Frieda Goren: he's okay, maybe a little shy
Nick Connor: well, I'm not shy, how would you like to go out after Fright Fest tomorrow?
Frieda Goren: well were all going out together at Burger Fool
Nick Connor: you and Osgood huh?
Frieda Goren: what?
Nick Connor: yeah, I here you and he are like best friends
Frieda Goren: no!
Nick Connor: hey if you like the guy, what can I say
Frieda Goren: I'm not interested in Jimmy Osgood
(Jimmy gasps)
Nick Connor: hey how long have you been listening you little creep?!
(Nick starts chasing Jimmy)
Frieda Goren: Nick!, Nick Stop!
(Nick continues to chase Jimmy)
Nick Connor: gotcha now you little weasel! (to Kevin and Ray) get him!
Kevin: nowhere to run now!
Jimmy Osgood: no!
Nick Connor: you wanna place to hide?, I'll give you a place to hide!
Jimmy Osgood: no!, let me out!, let me out!, let me out!, please!, please let me out!, please!
(Virgil unlocks the locker and Jimmy runs away, crying)
Frieda Goren: you guys are creeps you know that?
Virgil Hawkins: (narrating) it was a really bad scene, I didn't think it can get any worse, boy was I wrong! (fades into the present day) Fright Fest came and went the next night, Jimmy never showed up, he wasn't even at school
Nick Connor: c'mon Frieda, I'm teaching him a lesson, the guy was eavesdropping
Frieda Goren: you didn't have to act like a bunch of bullies.
Nick Connor: hey, if I help out, taking down the decorations tonight will you forgive me?
Frieda Goren: if you really want to apologize, apologize to Jimmy, that's what I'm going to do
Nick Connor: knew she couldn't stay mad at me
Guy #1: woah
Virgil Hawkins: the haunted house is one thing, but nothing is as scary as cleanup day
Robert Hawkins: should we swing by and pick up Richie?
Virgil Hawkins: he's taking his scooter, I'm kinda hoping Jimmy would want to help, can we go over there?
Virgil Hawkins: good afternoon Mr. Osgood, is Jimmy home?
Mr. Osgood: he was up in his room, last I looked, go on in.
Virgil Hawkins: (knocks on door) hey, it's me Virgil!, Jimmy?, some screensaver, The Battle Journal?, (reading the journal) All I wanted was to be left alone
Jimmy Osgood: but they wouldn't even do that, they had to hurt me, humiliate me, well it ends tonight I'm putting a stop to them, once and for all!
Virgil Hawkins: (stands up and gasps in shock) oh man!
Robert Hawkins: (talking with Mr. Osgood) maybe it's the clutch
Virgil Hawkins: you gotta come up stairs right now! I'm afraid he's gonna hurt someone
Mr. Osgood: he couldn't do that he doesn't mean it!
Robert Hawkins: your son's depressed Mr. Osgood I warned of kids like this, you can't dismiss this, he needs help
Virgil Hawkins: pops, Jimmy told me he knew where he can get a gun, my gun's locked up, I have a key, oh my god, it's gone!, the gun's gone!
Robert Hawkins: what were you thinking, having a handgun where a kid can get to it?!
Mr. Osgood: I didn't know, Jimmy would even think of-
Virgil Hawkins: Pops, those kids were hassling Jimmy, they might be down at the community center!
Robert Hawkins: I gotta get down there, call the police, you gotta get down there now!
Virgil Hawkins: Pops what for me!
Robert Hawkins: no! you gotta go home!, Jimmy's dad and I will handle this
Virgil Hawkins: (narrating) I knew he wasn't in the mood for debating, but I had to do something
(cut to Jimmy walking into the Community Center, angrly)
Ray: oh look who's here
Nick Connor: Osgood, forget something in your locker?
Frieda Goren: Nick that's enough!
Nick Connor: sorry
(everyone gasps as Jimmy points his dad's gun)
Nick Connor: (backs away a little in shock when Jimmy pulls out his dad’s gun and points it at him) What’s that?
Jimmy Osgood: (angrily, with tears in his eyes) A gun.
Nick Connor: OK, put it down! That’s not funny!
Jimmy Osgood: Lots of things aren’t funny! Breaking my computer wasn’t funny! Shoving me in a locker wasn’t funny!
Nick Connor: Jimmy, you’re right — I’m sorry, man!
Jimmy Osgood: No, you’re not!
Frieda Goren: Jimmy, don’t! He’s not worth it!
Richie Foley: She’s right, man. You’re all upset about this now, but next week? It won’t even matter. Don’t mess up your whole life over this.
Kevin and Ray: get him!
(Kevin and Ray tackle Jimmy, causing him to shoot Richie in the leg)
Richie Foley: ah! ow! ah! ugh!
( Static gasps, then proceeds to use his powers to put the gun where no one can get to it)
Richie Foley: oh! it hurts, it's not like on TV gah!
Static: someone call 911!
Jimmy Osgood: no! no!
Virgil Hawkins: (narrating) they said Jimmy was really confused and angry
(fades into present day)
Dr. Franklin: So you weren't there when it happened?
Virgil Hawkins: No, I got there after the ambulance, it was terrible that anybody got shot, but Richie, he was Jimmy's friend
Dr. Franklin: bullets don't discriminate, between friends and enemies, Virgil, they hurt everyone, your just lucky, Richie's going to be okay
Virgil Hawkins: I'm so confused, I'm mad at Jimmy for hurting my friend, I'm mad at Nick for messing with Jimmy, I'm mad at myself for not telling anyone when I first heard about the gun, I'm mad at everyone
Dr. Franklin: It's okay to feel like that, Virgil, but it's what we do with that anger that's important
Virgi Hawkinsl: (sees Frieda after he exits Dr. Franklin’s office) Hi, Frieda. You next?
Frieda Goren: (nods) Uh-huh. Everyone who was involved is getting counseling.
Virgil Hawkins: The doctor told me that Jimmy’s getting it, too. I don’t think he belongs in juvie, though. (The door to the principal’s office opens; Virgil and Frieda turn to watch as Nick and Mrs. Connor walk out, followed by Mr. Connor and Principal Aguilar)
Principal Aguilar: We’ll be in touch, Mr. Connor. (Mr. Connor nods, and they shake hands; Nick remorsefully shakes his head as his mother opens the door for him and Mr. Connor appears in front of him with a stern look on his face)
Virgil Hawkins: (turns back to Frieda) What about him?
Frieda Goren: Suspension. He also has to do some community service, same as his buddies.
Virgil Hawkins: (watches along with Frieda as Nick and his parents leave) He’s getting off easy. But at least he’ll never win any more popularity contests.
Richie Foley: I'm repaired, rescued, and ready for autographs
Virgil Hawkins: pretty big cast
Richie Foley: yeah, the doctor said "I was lucky", if the bullet hit just a little higher
Virgil Hawkins: don't even talk about it
Richie Foley: anyway, maybe everyone has learned their lesson from all of this
Bullies: (laughs) drop them, klutz, alright!
Virgil Hawkins: let me help you
Guy #2: hey thanks!
Static: (breaking the fourth wall) After Richie was shot, I found out some things about guns you should know. In one year alone, 6,000 kids were expelled for bringing a handgun to school. As many as 4,000 kids are killed by guns each year. You can do something to help stop this. If someone tries to show you a gun, don’t stick around. Get away from them. Tell an adult or someone you trust. Do your part to increase the peace out there. All right?