She-Back! is the second episode of the fourth season of Static Shock. It first aired on January 24, 2004.
Virgil and Richie are at their usual comic book shop, talking about how the powers of one of their heroes has changed. They see that Madelyn Spaulding is working there, and they talk to her. She recalls very little of their last encounter (and nothing of their costumed identities). After they leave, she finds out that she still has powers; however, they're a different type — and have grown considerably.
At the Dakota Police Department, Madelyn breaks out Hotstreak, Ebon and Talon. Static and Gear arrive to stop them from escaping; they are not doing well when She-Bang arrives to save the day. After Madelyn and her gang escape, She-Bang handles the press; her openness — as opposed to the media-shy girl they first met — surprises the Dakota Duo.
It turns out that the people hunting She-Bang were arrested, so now she is back in Dakota and wants to be part of the team; Static is less than thrilled. At school, Shenice is driving everyone crazy as well. When Madelyn and her gang show up again, they easily beat Static and Gear, no thanks to She-Bang.
Static and Gear tell She-Bang that they do not want to work with her, and she feels hurt; that same night, her feelings are hurt even more when (via a phone call with Frieda) she finds out she's been shut out of the homecoming dance for being bossy, and no one likes the new her or wants to hang out with her. So, she decides to take on Madelyn by herself. Madelyn captures her, having Static and Gear come to the rescue; they are able to free She-Bang and stop Madelyn.
Afterwards, Static and Gear apologize for what they said, and tell She-Bang that anytime she wants to join the team, it'd be fine with them.
Madelyn: Well, well — Virgil Hawkins and Richie Foley.
Virgil: Madelyn Spaulding! What are you doing..?
Madelyn: Out of the hospital? They say I’m OK now. But the school still won’t take me back.
Virgil: (cautiously) Well, you know, you did try to take over the entire student body.
Richie: Yeah!
Madelyn: (after she recalls that time from back then) Well, everybody had been so mean to me. And then I got those amazing powers! What did you expect?
Richie: Do you still have your powers?
Madelyn: Who knows? If I do, I can’t remember how I made them work.
Shenice Vale: (to Frieda on the phone about the Homecoming Dance) But I thought you wanted me there. You said you liked my ideas.
Frieda Goren: Yeah. Sure, Shenice. (cut to her at her house with Daisy and a few other students) It’s just that we sort of decided on the theme. And the Decorating Committee’s kind of full. (She looks up at Daisy, who nods) So we don’t really need anyone right now.
Shenice: (now sitting on her bed) Yeah. I understand. Whatever. (hangs up the phone and lays it down on her bed as her mother Dolores Vale opens her bedroom door)
Dolores: Weren’t you supposed to go out with your friends?
Shenice: (saddened and a little angry) What friends? They only liked me when I pretended to be a dud.
Dolores: They’re used to the old Shenice, honey. You have to give them time to adjust to the new one. She’s really quite wonderful, you know.
Shenice: She doesn’t feel so wonderful.
Dolores: Just give them some time. I’m sure you’ll be able to change their minds. (leaves)
Shenice: Ha! The only thing I’m gonna change is my clothes.
Gear: Shenice’s mom call you, too?
Static: Yeah. I think she called everybody in our school. Shenice has been missing for hours.
Gear: You don’t think She-Bang would take on Madelyn and the Meta-Breed by herself, do you?
Static: Either that, or join them just to get back at us.
She-Bang: I guess I owe you an apology.
Gear: Well, I mean, kinda, but..
Static: Yeah, you could... Nah, it’s okay.
Gear: It’s alright.
She-Bang: (turns away a little) So I’ve decided that, from now on, I won’t horn in on your patrols or bug you at school or anything.
Static: Sorry. We can’t accept that.
Gear: Although I did like the part about not bugging us at school.
Static: Any time you want to be on the team, you’re welcome.
She-Bang: But you said..
Static: (as She-Bang turns back to them) We... said some stuff we regret.
She-Bang: You guys are the absolute.. (hugs Static and Gear a little too hard)
Gear: Uhh!
Static: Ribs. Crushing the ribs.
She-Bang: Sorry, sorry, sorry. Sometimes I don’t know my own strength.
Gear: Well, we’ll be happy to remind you.
- This is Shanice/She-Bang final appearance.
- Madelyn's supervillainess costume bares a resemblance to Sally from Disney's The Nightmare Before Christmas.
- Madelyn and She-Bang seems to not harbor any fear towards Ebon.
- Talon seems to have take a liking towards Madelyn's leadership of The Breed.