Static Shock Wiki

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Static Shock Wiki
Vital statistics
Position Unknown
Age Unknown
Status Unknown
Physical attributes
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Reverend Anderson was a kind-hearted clergyman from Dakota.


When the city council did not take action to help the homeless get through a cold Christmas, the Church and Robert Hawkins' Youth Center came together. In addition to that, he also held an interfaith service.

Static consulted Reverend Anderson when he found an image of young Maureen Connor. He told Static what he knew of her life, about her mother and stepfather, her life on the streets. He advised Static to view her as a person rather than a faceless part of "the Homeless". Static took his advice to heart, and upon finding and calming Permafrost, he took her to the Reverend. He offered her the services of his Church, which she gladly accepted.

