Psst... Guess What
Back in May, I applied to adopt the Static Shock wiki. Unfortunately, I was rejected since I had created two personal wikis the month prior. I was planning to re-apply in July but when the time came, I just didn't have the energy... But I applied again a few days ago and got through! Yay! °˖✧\(^▽^)/°˖✧
Anyway, in the coming days I'll start to switch things up, starting with the URL and theme. Of course, I'll also keep editing. I'll hopefully get more time to work on the wiki overall this weekend.
I'm really looking forward to rebooting the Static Shock wiki, and I hope future users will also like it!
That's all for now!
Peace, and Out!
Change of Plans
Hey, y'all~ AJ back with another update. Just because.
Anyway, in my first blog post I said I would work on season 1 and 2 articles for the time being. I was going in chronological order but it's honestly time-consuming and a bit monotonous. It also doesn't help that I have the attention span of a literal toddler despite how obsessed I am with details. Sooo, I have decided to do some "season hopping". I was thinking of jumping between season 1 and 4 first, but I may just jump between all the seasons. Either way, I'll get more information out than I have from focusing on the show chronologically.
Also, hope y'all like my infobox designs. I don't know how to collapse the fields though. So if you do, I'd appreciate the assistance.
That's all for…
Rejection :(
Hey, y'all~ AJ back with his weekly updates lol
So I went ahead and applied to adopt the wiki, but...
... alas, I am my own foil.
In early April — before I'd discovered the Static Wiki — I had created two wikis of my own. They're pretty personal and basically "un-wiki" wikis that I made for fun (which I'm not sure I'm allowed to do lol). I'd hoped that, since I was able to create two wikis on the same day and was only admin by default, it wouldn't affect the adoption. Turns out I was incorrect. I can't adopt the Static Wiki before July 2022 (-_-)>.
Oh well! I'm gonna pull back from the almost daily edits for now and branch back to my "un-wiki" wikis. I'll keep contributing to the Static Wiki, of course. I'll also leave notes on anything I thin…
In A Week
Hey, y'all~ AJ here.
It's been about a week since I've been active here. I've been able to do tons of stuff, but there are simple things I can't do — like deleting unneeded pages or images I uploaded by accident. Assuming I haven't missed something, I'm guessing this is because it's an admin-only ability. So, since there is no admin and I'm the only one currently active, I'm going to apply to adopt the wiki in a week. That will allow me to remove the redundant pages and work on the wiki's design.
See, I've really taken a fancy to designing wiki themes, and I found a font I'd like to try out for the Static wiki in particular. Being admin would give me that chance! I'm also usually a dark mode user, so it's always a bit irritating when a wiki's …
Hey, y'all~ I'm 0jamajo, but you can always call me AJ. I can't seem to find the section for discussion on this wiki, so I guess a blog post is as good as anything (^-^)
Basically, I'm going through my umpteenth Static Shock phase (wherein I rewatch the series and read Virichie fics lol). However, this time I also happen to be in the midst of learning how to navigate wikis. So of course, when I realized there was a Static Shock wiki, I just had to poke my nose into it!
Anyway, I'm looking around and there doesn't seem to be all that much activity. I see Degrassigirl07 was active last month. Hope you come back soon~ And if anyone else pops in and sees this, hmu. I'd love to discuss sorting the wiki out. In the mean time, I think …